The Yaboti Biosphere Reserve is one of the biggest protected areas of the province of Misiones, guardian of the Mocona Falls and the Paranaense Jungle. This reserve was created by a law, in the year 1995 and it belongs to the program ( Man and biosphere) by UNESCO.
It has a surface of 250.000 hectareas, many of them are private properties and other sectors that include protected natural areas of provincial territory.
Inside the area, located in the towns of San Pedro and El Soberbio where the provincial reserve of Esmeralda, the Guarani Experimental area, the natural and cultural Reserve of Papel Misionero, and the Mocona provincial Park, with its falls declared National Natural Monument are found.
The Mocona Falls, which in Guarani language means “it swallows all”of 10 metres high, disrupt the flow of the Uruguay river along 3 kilometers in the border of Brasil and Argentina, in the southeast of the town of San Pedro, in the province of Misiones.